In 2008, a young United States Peace Corps Volunteer named Martha Pigott wanted to build a Community Center in Dzoole, Malawi. Her goal was to improve public health and education within her community by providing residents a safe location for a host of much needed community services. Martha needed to raise funds, but she wanted to make sure contributions were tax deductible. The Brick Foundation was her answer.
Upon learning of Martha's project and her donation dilemma, Martha's brother David started The Brick Foundation. The Brick Foundation's original purpose was to fund Martha's Peace Corps project. The Brick Foundation achieved that goal. Recognizing the potential benefit The Brick Foundation could provide to other Peace Corps volunteers, Martha and David kept The Brick Foundation going and eventually expanded its mission to anyone with a worthy project, Peace Corps volunteer or not.
Since 2008, The Brick Foundation has brought medical supplies to Central America, built student housing for girls, established scholarship funds, and a supported a host of other amazing projects. Now, The Brick Foundation begins its most important project to date: helping Adam Grush fight sex trafficking in Cambodia. To learn more about Adam's project click on the link below. You can then use the "donate" button at the top of the screen to support this worthy cause!